Standards Aligned System: Curriculum Framework

Pen & PaperLearning Activity D-1

Designing a Curriculum

Assignment Objectives:

Written Reflection
25 points
Rubric (20 points required for passing grade)

Using the Big Idea, Concept(s), and Competencies that you identified in Activity B-1, apply the backward design methodology identified in this topic to design the lesson you began to create in topic B.

  1. Derive at least three core Competencies into clear learning objectives.
  2. If you have not already done so, align your assessments to the learning objectives and correlate to the Competencies and Concept(s) listed in the recommended Curriculum Framework. Modify your assessments as necessary.
  3. Use the learning objectives to develop a framework upon which to base your instruction; identify what is to be taught and organize it into a logical lesson. If your educational role supports students outside of the classroom, develop a lesson to share with a teacher you work with or could share with in the future.



To complete this assignment, visit the assessment tab and click on assessment D-1. You may enter or upload your paper.



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