Standards Aligned System: Curriculum Framework

ELL OverlaySupporting ELL Students

The Curriculum Framework section of the SAS Portal contains a link to the ELL Overlay. The ELL Overlay identifies the competencies that English Language Learners may exhibit depending on their level of language acquisition in relationship to the Pennsylvania Academic Standards. The ELL Overlay is intended to support ELL students in the areas of mathematics and literacy. The overlays include a layout of skills in listening and reading as well as speaking and writing.

The overlay distinguishes the level of language acquisition of the student. These levels include:

Each of these levels identifies the concepts, competencies, and vocabulary that students must meet and attain in relationship to the standards. This serves as a framework for formative assessment and classroom instruction to assist and support children as they learn English.

The Pennsylvania Department of Education has identified the key components to an effective ELL instructional program. They include:

Please go to the SAS Portal ELL Overlay and look at the overlays that best align to your subject and grade.



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