![Key Info](../images/keycontent_images/m4_bigideas.png)
Big Ideas
Big ideas are statements that describe concepts that all students must know regardless of grade level. They are essential in providing focus on specific content for all students.
These big ideas provide focus on how students will use what they are learning throughout their lives. For instance, one of the big ideas for writing is "Writing is a means for documenting thinking." At first glance, this big idea may seem like common sense; however it is not obvious to all students. Once students grasp this big idea, they will understand that they should use writing as a way to record thoughts and will more likely document their thinking on a regular basis.
By specifically informing students of the big ideas, they will be able to more easily recall and connect the concepts that they learn at the various grade levels. Big ideas also provide the reason behind the learning. Students who learn how to be meta cognitive—to recognize why they are learning—are more engaged and better able to focus on essential questions.