Curriculum Alignment
Essential Question: How does Pennsylvania's curriculum framework benefit students?
Pennsylvania's curriculum framework is properly aligned to the standards. It establishes what should be taught so that students can master the required knowledge and skills and demonstrate this mastery on keystone and other aligned assessments.The results of these assessments can be used to make informed adjustments to the curriculum to ensure that students are provided with learning opportunities that enable academic and lifelong success.
Why should teachers use the recommended curriculum framework?
Ease of use. Simply using the SAS Portal to search the recommended curriculum framework by subject area and grade level will provide the aligned structure that you need as a basis for your instruction. When Pennsylvania teachers follow the recommended curriculum framework, students are provided with a consistent instructional message that is directed towards specific learning goals and outcomes. This focus will make it easier for students to learn, by building upon knowledge, understanding, and skills. If our goal is to have students pass the keystone exams, our curriculum design ends here. If our goal is to create lifelong learners who will be successful in their careers, there are additional learning opportunities to consider. We will be looking at these opportunities throughout this course.
What is the best way to create a curriculum that aligns with the standards?
The best curriculum is one that aligns with the standards and addresses any additional learning needs your students may have. The recommended framework is a great starting point to building a curriculum, but when you look at the bigger picture of what your students need, you will realize that there are many paths that your curriculum could follow. The correct path is one that leads your students along a clear learning progression that builds upon student interests, aligns to the standards, and provides any additional instruction they may need.