Standards Aligned System: Curriculum Framework

Pen & PaperLearning Activity C-1

Anticipatory Guide and Written Response

Assignment Objectives:

Written Response
50 points Rubric
(40 points required for passing grade)

Complete the anticipatory guide in order to identify your beliefs about curriculum. Place an X in either the “agree” or “disagree” column. Please copy and paste into your written response.

Agree Disagree Statement



  • Curriculum is a textbook.


  • Curriculum is a restating of Standards and Eligible Content.


  • Curriculum describes what students need to know and be able to do.


  • Curriculum is the processes, content, and knowledge combined with the experiences and the realities of the learner to create new understandings and skills.


  • Curriculum is a product.
  • Write a three page response that discusses the following criteria:

    Your reflection must be at least three double-spaced pages in length.

    To complete this assignment, please visit the assessment tab and click on assessment C-1. You may upload your assignment there.



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