Learning Activity 8-A-1
Previous Experience with Positive Confrontation
Blog - 15 points
- What has your experience been with student confrontation? Read “Goals for Positive Student Confrontation,” “Potential Difficulties,” and Preparation and Opening” in Key Information.
- Have you experienced any of the difficulties identified in the Key Information?
- Post your own brief story about a student confrontation you’ve had to your blog.
- Read class members' postings to get a feeling for what others have gone through.
Learning Activity 8-A-2
Three Part Confrontation Message
Forum - 20 points
- Identify five behaviors that represent real problems you currently have in your classroom or have had in the past. These behaviors need to be chronic or persistent behaviors.
- Choose 3 of the behaviors from your list. Write a Three-Part Confrontation Message for each of the three behaviors. Identify “who” is affected by the behavior: you, the class, and/or the school. (More than one person or a group may be affected.)
- Post your problems and Confrontation Messages to the Forum 8-A-2: Three-Part Confrontation Messages.
- Read others’ postings and comment to two people as to whether they met the following criteria:
- They stated a behavior, not an inference.
- They used a one-word feeling response.
- They told what effect the student’s behavior has on them, their class, and/or their school.