STAR Module 8: Using Positive Confirmation with Students

Pen & PaperLearning Activity 8-A-1

Previous Experience with Positive Confrontation

Blog - 15 points

Blog Rubric

  1. What has your experience been with student confrontation? Read “Goals for Positive Student Confrontation,” “Potential Difficulties,” and Preparation and Opening” in Key Information.

  2. Have you experienced any of the difficulties identified in the Key Information?

  3. Post your own brief story about a student confrontation you’ve had to your blog.

  4. Read class members'  postings to get a feeling for what others have gone through.

Learning Activity 8-A-2

Three Part Confrontation Message

Forum - 20 points

Forum Rubric

  1. Identify five behaviors that represent real problems you currently have in your classroom or have had in the past. These behaviors need to be chronic or persistent behaviors.

  2. Choose 3 of the behaviors from your list. Write a Three-Part Confrontation Message for each of the three behaviors. Identify “who” is affected by the behavior: you, the class, and/or the school. (More than one person or a group may be affected.)

  3. Post your problems and Confrontation Messages to the Forum 8-A-2: Three-Part Confrontation Messages.

  4. Read others’ postings and comment to two people as to whether they met the following criteria:
    • They stated a behavior, not an inference.
    • They used a one-word feeling response.
    • They told what effect the student’s behavior has on them, their class, and/or their school.

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