Successful Teaching for Acceptance of Responsibility - Course Guide

Course Guide

Course Description

Successful Teaching for Acceptance of Responsibility is a Performance Learning Systems® online course that focuses on practical techniques that will help your students increase their self-responsible behaviors and assume increasing amounts of control over their school lives. Through class discussions, assignments, readings, and reflections, participants will gain practical experience in using those skills with your students and teaching students to use them too.. Participants will also explore what is and what is not within your power and take appropriate steps to use the power you have.

Course Calendar

The course, which consists of eight modules, is eight weeks long. The initial posts for each module are due on Saturday of each week. All other assignments and replies are due Monday.

Because participants from many different time zones may be taking this course, items should be posted/submitted by midnight (U.S. Eastern Time) on the day they are due. Your facilitator will post specific due dates for this course in the Calendar.

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