Getting Started

Final Project Rubric

Possible Points: 100

Exemplary Proficient Developing
Score 60 36 7
Content and Critical Thinking __/60 Clear evidence that higher level thinking skills were used in the creation of the final project. Some to little evidence that higher level thinking skills were used in the creation of the final project. No evidence that higher level thinking skills were used in the creation of the final project.
Clearly reflects specific information presented in the course. Somewhat relates to specific information presented in the course. Nonspecific and general in nature, not related to specific course content.
Reflects feedback given previously on sections reviewed by instructor or classmates. Reflects some of the feedback previously given on sections reviewed by instructor or classmates. Reflects little to no feedback previously given on sections reviewed by instructor or classmates.
Demonstrates depth of understanding in the knowledge, skills, and strategies from the course. Demonstrates some understanding in the knowledge, skills, and strategies from the course. Demonstrates a lack of understanding in the knowledge, skills, and strategies from the course.
Demonstrates unique personal insights derived from application and evaluation of course content, using specific examples. Demonstrates some insight derived from application and evaluation of course content, using no specific examples. Demonstrates a little evidence of reflection, synthesis, or evaluation, using no specific examples.
  Score 15 9 0
Mechanics __/15 Complete sentences, correct grammar and spelling. Comprehensible sentences, undeveloped paragraphs; some grammar and/or spelling errors. Incomplete sentences, unorganized thoughts with poor grammar and spelling.
Assigned sections are included. Most of the assigned sections are included. Some or none of the assigned sections are included.
  Score 10 6 1
Documentation __/10 All sources are properly cited within the final project and included in a bibliography. Most to few of the sources are properly cited within the final project and/or included in a bibliography. None of the sources are cited within the final project or included in a bibliography.
  Score 15 9 1
Presentation and Communication __/15 Media, such as graphics, audio, video, effectively communicates and contributes significantly to the intended meaning of the content. Media may not be completely appropriate and contribute some to little to the intended meaning of the content. Is somewhat effective in communicating the intended meaning. Media is not included as required or, if included, is not used appropriately or contributes little. May even detract from the intended meaning of the content.
Information in logical sequence which reader can follow. Information is in a somewhat logical format which the reader may have some difficulty following. Information is not in a logical sequence which the reader can follow.
Total __/100  


  1. There will be a 10% deduction of points per day for all late posts and submitted assignments.
  2. Replies posted after the due date will earn no points.
  3. In rare cases, partially or poorly completed assignments may be resubmitted for partial credit at the discretion of the instructor.
  4. See Late Work Policy (in Getting Started/About Your Course/Policies) for further information.