Getting Started

Assignment Rubric

Possible Points: 30 - 35

Exemplary Proficient Developing
Score 25 15 5
Content and Critical Thinking __/25 Thorough and thoughtful response. Complete response. Incomplete or superficial response.
Clearly reflects specific information presented in the course. Somewhat relates to specific information presented in the course. Nonspecific and general in nature, not related to specific course content.
Demonstrates depth of understanding in the knowledge, skills, and strategies from the course. Demonstrates some understanding in the knowledge, skills, and strategies from the course. Demonstrates a lack of understanding in the knowledge, skills, and strategies from the course.
Demonstrates unique personal insights derived from application and evaluation of course content, using specific examples. Demonstrates some insight derived from application and evaluation of course content, using no specific examples. Demonstrates a little evidence of reflection, synthesis, or evaluation, using no specific examples.
  Score 5 2 0
Mechanics __/5 One to two well-written paragraphs with complete sentences and correct grammar and spelling. Comprehensible sentences, undeveloped paragraph with several grammar and/or spelling errors. Incomplete sentences, unorganized thoughts with poor grammar and spelling.
Structural parameters of the assignment are accurately followed. Some structural parameters of the assignment are followed. Structural parameters of the assignment are not followed.
Total __/30  
  Score 5   0
Comments and Contributions (if applicable) __/5 Posts required replies or comments; agrees or disagrees and expands ideas with thorough explanation; responds in a timely fashion to follow-up questions. Encourages further conversation and discussion. Posts required replies or comments by the due date; agrees or disagrees, providing little or no explanation; fails to respond to follow-up questions. Fails to reply or comment by the due date.
Total __/35  


  1. There will be a 10% deduction of points per day for all late posts and submitted assignments.
  2. Replies posted after the due date will earn no points.
  3. In rare cases, partially or poorly completed assignments may be resubmitted for partial credit at the discretion of the instructor.
  4. See Late Work Policy (in Getting Started/About Your Course/Policies) for further information.