Getting Started

Smiling Teacher and StudentPLS Policies

Participant Drop Policy

Transfer Policy

Online course participants have two options for transferring courses.

Transferring to another online course is a one-time offer; students may only do so once in their entire time as a PLS student.


Grading rubrics for class discussions and assignments are available in the Course Guide.

Late Work Policy

There will be a 10% deduction of points per day for all posts and submitted assignments which are late. Replies posted after the due date will earn no points. In rare cases, partially or poorly completed assignments may be resubmitted for partial credit at the discretion of the instructor. The following exceptions apply:

Academic Integrity Policy

Performance Learning Systems expects absolute academic honesty and integrity from every course participant. The specific Academic Integrity and Honor Code policies of our partner colleges and universities are embraced and enforced by PLS instructors. The following are considered to be serious violations:

Violation(s) or suspected violation(s) will be investigated and pursued according to specific college/university procedures.

College or University Requirements

For the policies and requirements that pertain to your specific college or university, please refer to the Syllabus.


Periodically, college, university, accrediting agencies, and/or Performance Learning Systems administrators may access your work in this course for course review and oversight purposes.