Abstract Global (AG) Style
If you have an Abstract perceptual style, words, symbols, and concepts are remembered much more readily than actual physical objects; for example, as an Abstract learner, you would more readily call to mind the spelling, characteristics, and functions of the word "apple" than the experience of eating an actual apple. With a Global organizational style you're highly intuitive and can often connect seemingly-unrelated ideas and segments of information. You focus on the "big picture" rather than details and use a "free association" structure to store thoughts.
Abstract Global learners often prefer:
- Learning about ideas and people.
- Discussing ideas rather than reading or doing projects.
- Taking short breaks and having "down time" while completing a task.
- Personalizing information.
- Expressing themselves through their work.
- Energizing a group by creating class spirit and inspiration.
- Being able to change according to the group's needs — being flexible.
Learning Online and Your Abstract Global Style
You probably like to know how things fit together. You enjoy seeing patterns and making connections. Following specific directions or instructions may annoy you, and you prefer to discover what you need to know on your own. Online courses that allow for open-ended responses rather than one "right" answer are a match for your style. So are courses that emphasize virtual teams, discussions lists, and forums.
- Look at the site map to get the big picture of the course.
- Click on all the buttons and explore what's in the course.
- Navigate through the online course randomly rather than step-by-step.
- Read the topics of the course to understand what it's all about.
- Participate fully in the forums and discussion lists.
- If you have a technical problem, you may be most comfortable surveying other course participants to find out how they may have handled similar problems.