Concrete Sequential (CS) Style
If you have a Concrete perceptual style, your brain relates primarily to real objects, emotions, events, colors, and sounds and stores memories around these "building blocks;" for example, you would more easily remember holding or eating an apple rather than reading the word apple or seeing a picture of an apple. With a Sequential organizational style, you approach learning as a step-by-step process and information is remembered in a logical manner, like storing it in a filing cabinet.
Concrete Sequential learners often prefer:
- Immersing themselves in the physical world.
- Working with real objects and/or actual issues.
- Doing practical, real-world tasks and applications.
- Staying with a task until it is completed correctly.
- Getting a task right at the first attempt.
- Following precise, specific directions.
- Understanding directions before they begin.
- Following an excellent example or model.
- Working in an orderly, neat learning environment.
Learning Online and Your Concrete Sequential Style
A well-organized, practical online learning course is a good match for your style, especially if it provides lots of examples and models showing you exactly what to do. The challenge in online learning for you is the same challenge you have when working from a textbook — using words rather than actual objects.
- Follow the sequence of the course step-by-step in order.
- Find the most efficient way of completing course assignments and avoid wasting time.
- Ask your instructor or classmates for concrete examples and applications.
- Create a neat learning environment with all of your supplies in place.
- Think of practical applications for the information you're learning.
- If you have a technical problem, you may be most comfortable following a trouble-shooting procedure to fix the problem.