Pen & PaperLearning Activity 1-C-1

Setting up Your Own Blog

15 points (15 points + 3 points for reply)

Review both simulated demonstrations before setting up your blog.

Simulated demonstrations:

Blog Signup 1 This simulation walks you through how to sign up for your Wordpress blog.
Blog Signup 2 This simulation shows you how to create your first blog post.

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You can view a printable version of the “Blog Sign Up Instructions 1 & 2.”


After reviewing the demos (and referring to the “Blog Sign Up Instructions” as needed), do the following:

  1. Sign up for your own Wordpress blog.
  2. Enter your first post. Introduce yourself by telling a little about yourself. Be sure to include general information that will establish a connection with others, such as where you live, your hobbies and special interests, information about your family or pets, the grade/course you teach and/or interesting events that have recently occurred. In addition, share two learning goals you have for taking this course.
  3. Add a category or tag. (Simulation/tutorial: How to Add a Category)
  4. Change the look and feel or theme of your blog.
  5. Post to the Discussion Forum (Forum Discussion/ “1-C-1: Share Your Blog”) with a link to your blog. This will allow your classmates to read your blog and comment for this activity.
  6. Post comments to at least two of your classmates' blogs.

Learning Activity 1-C-2

Math Vocabulary

15 points

Start your own math glossary in your blog.

Note some of the key vocabulary for this Module (integer, operations, positive/negative, etc.) Choose one vocabulary word to write about in your blog.



Assign a category or tag to this blog post titled “Vocabulary.” If you need to review how to assign a tag, review the simulation below.

Simulation/tutorial: How to Add a Category

Each time you write a vocabulary post make sure to check this category. When you want to view a complete list of all your vocabulary all you need to do is click on the category.

Think about: How could you use this applilcation/activity with your own students?




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