Pen & PaperLearning Activity 1-B-1

Reflection - What Does Number Sense Mean to Me?

30 points

Write a reflection of your own personal history with the development of your own number sense. Recall your earliest memories of exposure to mathematical concepts. Did you have a positive experience? Why or why not? Do you consider yourself to have very good, average or poor number sense?

Submit your reflection (no more than two pages long) in a Word or text document to Assignment “B-1: What Does Number Sense Mean to Me?”

Learning Activity 1-B-2

Personal Folder for Online Resources

[Ongoing Activity]

You are encouraged to keep a browser favorites folder for online resources for teaching Algebra. Later in this course you can highlight or write about some of these resources in your blog.

Learning Activity 1-B-3

Teaching Meaning vs. Method

14 points (9 points + 5 for reply)

As part of class discussion, discuss the differences of teaching the meaning of mathematical operations before teaching methods.

Answer the following questions on a word or text document and post to the Forums under “Activity 1-B-3: Teaching Meaning vs. Method.”


Respond to at least two classmates' postings.

Learning Activity 1-B-4

Number Sense and Standards

5 points

Research your state or district standards. Do they define Number Sense achievements for middle school students? What are they? Send your facilitator a brief e-mail indicating if you found them and what they are?

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