Pen & PaperLearning Activity 1-A-1

Using Manipulatives or Number Lines to Demonstrate Integer Operations

30 points

Review examples that demonstrate examples of Integer Operations using either black and red algebra tiles or number lines.

Developing your own slides

For this activity you will need access to Microsoft PowerPoint for either Mac or PC and the PowerPoint manipulative template available in the “Resources” section of this course.

Refer to the Key Information for Topic A titled: “Preparing Graphics and Visuals for Your Classroom” for both the template and tutorials on how to use the templates.

Your Assignment:
  1. Create your own manipulative slides with examples that demonstrate the integer rules of operation. Represent each rule once with a visual example, you can use the number tiles, the number line or both.
  2. Submit your finished slides under Assignments under “1-A-1: Using Manipulatives”

Learning Activity 1-A-2

Testing What You’ve Learned about Integers

30 points

Develop a set of problems for students to practice their understanding of the rules of adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing integers.

Post this problem set in Assignments “1-A-2: Testing What You’ve Learned about Integers.”

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