Geometry for Middle School Teachers/ Module 3: Logic and Reasoning

The van Hiele Model

Yellow 3-D Solid Shapes on a gridThe work of two Dutch educators, Pierre van Hiele and Dina van Hiele-Geldof, has given us a vision around which to design Geometry curriculum. The Van Hiele's work and theories have been popular outside the United States since the early 1960's. The van Hiele Theory is accepted worldwide and today is very influential in the United States.

Through their research, they have identified five levels of understanding spatial concepts. According to the Van Hiele's, children move sequentially through these levels to achieve geometric thinking. There are four characteristics of these levels of thought:

(2004). Van Hiele Levels of Geometric Reasoning. Retrieved May 16, 2007, from IMAGES (Improving Measurement and Geometry in Elementary Schools) Web site:

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