Geometry for Middle School Teachers/ Module 3: Logic and Reasoning

Pen & PaperLearning Activity 3-A-2

Developing Higher-Level Thinking Questions for Geometry

35 points (30 points + 5 for reply)

Assignment Instructions:

Choose three Geometry topics to develop your higher-level questions around. You can refer to the "Table of Standards and Expectations" from the Navigating through Geometry CD for Geometry subjects and topics. You can also visit the NCTM web site under "Curriculum Focal Points" and review the "Related Expectations from Principles and Standards for School Mathematics Content Standards" for each grade 5-8.

Using the worksheet provided create a set of questions for each of your three topics (you will share all of these materials as part of an instructional packet at the end of the course). You can view a sample document with examples. Write at least two questions for each higher level of Blooms Taxonomy. Choose one of these questions to share with your peers. Post this worksheet in the Forum under "3-A-2: Higher Level/Bloom's Taxonomy"

Review another student's questions and post a reply to their assignment.

Click on the image to download the .pdf worksheet. Note, you can write your questions directly into the .pdf. After you've completed the form with your answers, save the document and turn it in.

Small shot of the Bloom's Taxonomy Worksheet


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