- Maslow's Hierarchy
- Hierarchy of Needs: The Five Levels of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
- Glasser's 5 Needs
- Choice Theory (including Glasser's 5 Needs)
0 points
This activity will not affect your course grade, but will help you and your classmates get to know each other better.
- Take some time to introduce yourself to others in the Break Room within Forums. Be sure to include general information that will establish a connection with others, such as where you live, what grades and/or subjects you teach, and your experience with online learning and facilitating.
- Before you post this information to the Forum, you may want to copy and paste the information into a Word document to save on your computer. This will save you time if you want to reuse your introduction in other courses.
- Read all of the introductions made by your classmates and reply to at least two of them.
Learning Activity 1-A-1
CWs in Your Classroom
10 points
In forum, include one example relating Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs to the corresponding Compelling Why by Glasser.
- Include two to three words that describe each of the Compelling Whys in an active way (see/hear/feel).
- Provide one or two descriptions of what your classroom would look like if these active words are present or absent.
Learning Activity 1-A-2
35 points
In the 1-A-2 forum, explain what the Compelling Whys are for your classroom.
- Ask your students where they believe each of the Compelling Whys is met in your school or classroom and why that is.
- If you do not currently have a classroom, think about when you last taught and how you met the needs of the Compelling Whys in your classroom.
- You can also state how you would meet the Compelling Whys in a future classroom.
If you are not a teacher, explain how the Compelling Whys were met when you attended school.
Additionally, include a reflection on the special populations (ELL/ESL, minimal reading ability, etc.) that will need to be considered during the planning and implementation of this lesson.
Respond to two of your classmates' posts, review their artifacts and analyze them according to what you learned about the CWs in this topic.