Handling Conflict

Pen & PaperLearning Activity B-1

Conflict Scenario

[Small Group Wiki]

20 points

  1. Your facilitator will assign each group one of the scenarios in Key Info. Each group will have a page on the wiki where you can collaborate on the action plan and post your final product. Post your action plan on the page and use the comments area for group discussion.
  2. Discuss your scenario with your group members. As a team, create an action plan on the wiki page to resolve the conflict described in your scenario. To create your action plan:
    • Copy and paste the participant scenario at the top of your action plan.
    • List all of the actions you would take and the actual postings you would send.
  3. While you are working on your action plan, put the word "Draft" at the top. Remove the word draft when you're ready for your facilitator to review your work.
  4. Review the scenario responses from the other groups to get ideas for how to handle similar situations. Optionally, you may comment on another group's page.

Learning Activity B-2

Small Group Self-Assessment


15 points

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