Function IV: Personal Expression
Classroom Setting Strategies Nos. 18 and 19
- No. 18: Display students' work.
- No. 19: Display personal information about your students and yourself.
Classroom Setting Strategy No. 18: Display students' work.
In addition to displaying students' assignments, tests, and projects, have students contribute to bulletin boards related to the content being studied. For example, students could gather information and draw pictures to make a display of their state’s endangered species for an elementary science class.
Because some students may be embarrassed by having their work displayed, be sure to check with them before putting anything up for public view.
Classroom Setting Strategy No. 19: Display personal information about your students and yourself.
Create displays that reflect your students' backgrounds, accomplishments, and activities. One teacher displayed flags of all the countries represented in her classroom as a way to acknowledge her respect for her students' cultural backgrounds.
And don't forget yourself. Let your students know who you are by displaying something personal about yourself. Whether it's your Mickey Mouse collection, your great-grandmother's quilt, or photos of your trip to Europe, let students see your personal side.
Possible ways to symbolically represent yourself in the classroom:
- Share your favorite collection, such as model airplanes, stamps, or comic books.
- Display family photos.
- Hang your diplomas and certificates on the wall.
- Bring in furniture, paintings, or other arts and crafts created by you or a loved one.
- Bring in your favorite CDs or mp3s and play them at appropriate times during class.
- Give a slideshow of a recent outdoor expedition you've taken.
Possible ways to symbolically represent your students in the classroom:
- Post newspaper clippings about your students' accomplishments in sporting events, spelling tournaments, and so on.
- Individually decorate students' cubbies (or other personal space), or have students decorate them themselves.
- Have students make collages that represent their personalities and interests.
- Celebrate each student's birthday. Take a photo of the student, and post it on a bulletin board along with cards made by other students.
Strategies by Function
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