You spend a lot of time thinking about what you'll teach and how you'll teach it. You plan lessons and units and reflect on the latest innovative instructional approaches, yet you may often overlook one of the basic elements of an effective learning environment—the design of the physical classroom space.
Space matters, both directly and indirectly. A well-arranged classroom sets the stage for effective learning and prevents many classroom management issues before they ever begin. In this module you'll learn six functions of the classroom setting and explore how to create a positive physical environment.
Topic 3-A: Prelude: Looking at My Classroom
Topic 3-B: Six Functions of the Classroom Setting
Topic 3-C: Classroom Setting Strategies
Topic 3-D: Final Chord
Module Three Objectives
At the completion of this module, you will be able to:
- Identify and explain the six functions of the classroom setting (security and shelter, task completion, social contact, personal expression, pleasure, and intellectual growth) and their relationship to effective classroom management.
- Evaluate your classroom using criteria from the six functions of the classroom setting and plan for improvements based on findings.
- Reflect on the ways personal beliefs affect practice, adjust accordingly, and actively seek out opportunities to grow professionally using the knowledge and skills of this course.
- Work collaboratively to share knowledge, skills, and experiences; refine understanding of content; give and receive feedback; and improve expertise.