Structuring a Positive Physical Environment

Pen & PaperLearning Activity 3-C-1

Scenario Solutions

[Small Group Forum]

20 points

Within your small group, you will review a classroom scenario and choose strategies to improve the situation.

  1. Read Classroom Setting Strategies and Scenario Solutions in Key Information.
  2. In your Small Group Forum, work together to complete the following project:
    • Choose a scenario.
    • Beginning with the first paragraph, identify one or more problems that exist in the physical environment of the classroom.
    • Choose one or more Classroom Setting Strategies that will help solve the problem (s), indicating the number of the strategy and the brief explanation.
  3. Example:

    Scenario A: Christie Raymond's Elementary Music Class
    Paragraph l
    Problem:  The classroom isn't personalized or pleasant.

    Suggested Strategies:

    • No. 3: Add elements of softness to your classroom.
    • No. 18: Display students' work.
    • No. 19: Display personal information about your students and yourself.
    • No. 20: Add aesthetically pleasing elements.
  4. For each strategy that you list, give a suggestion that you could use.
    No. 20: Add aesthetically pleasing elements such as asking students to bring in photos of their families or ask for donations of plants for the classroom.
  5. Follow the same process for all paragraphs.
  6. As a group, pick three of the suggested strategies which would have the most immediate impact upon this classroom.

Learning Activity 3-C-2

Small Group Self-Assessment


15 points

Learning Activity 3-C-3

Applying Classroom Setting Strategies


30 points

For teachers currently teaching:
  1. Refer to the "Classroom Setting Checklist" you completed in Activity 3-B-1.
  2. Identify one of the Classroom Setting Strategies that will improve the physical environment of your classroom.
  3. Briefly describe how you will apply the strategy and explain the improvement you hope to achieve in your classroom. In your description, cite research which supports your actions. (Your research can come from that available within the course or from outside research, but include proper documentation in either case.)
  4. Implement the strategy in your classroom.
  5. Report your results.
  6. Suggest any modifications you would like to make to the strategy to make it more effective in your classroom.
  7. Post your response to Assignments.
For teachers who aren't currently in the classroom:
  1. Refer to the classroom you used to complete the "Classroom Setting Checklist" in Activity 3-B-1.
  2. Identify one of the Classroom Setting Strategies that would improve the physical environment of your classroom.
  3. Briefly describe how you would apply it and explain the improvement you would hope to achieve in the classroom. In your description, cite research which supports your actions. (Your research can come from that available within the course or from outside research, but include proper documentation in either case.)
  4. Post your response to Assignments.
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