Adaptability and Risk Taking


Note: Because of the number of readings in this topic, you may find it more beneficial to skim for the ideas that will be most helpful for Activity 3-B-1 or are of personal interest to you. Skimming for the most relevant information while filtering out the nonessentials is also a 21st century skill.

Pen & PaperLearning Activity 3-B-1

Adaptability or Risk Taking Brainstorm

[Small Group Project & Discussion Forum]

29 points total
20 points: Group Project (using wiki rubric)
9 points: Discussion

Complete the reading for this topic and review the Key Information. Then follow the instructions below:

  1. Sign up for a free account on MindMeister.
  2. You will be assigned a group by the facilitator.
  3. As a group, decide whether to create a brainstorm about ways to help students develop adaptability or about ways to help students develop risk taking skills (or both if you so desire). 
  4. Work together to create a mind map (or brainstorm) using MindMeister. One person in the group should create the the initial page and invite the other group members.
  5. You may wish to chat via text or audio using a program such as Skype or Sakai's chat while collaborating. Collaboration can also happen asynchronously. 
  6. One member of your group should post a link to your collaborative brainstorm in the class discussion board.
  7. As an individual, respond to two other groups' posts.

Learning Activity 3-B-2

Small Group Self-Assessment


15 points

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