Module 5

GASC Introduction

During the learning process, students need to have reasons to learn and participate (Compelling Whys). On the flip side, teachers need to have their own Compelling Whys met as well as present their instruction through the sensory modalities (KTAV) to meet their students' needs. As a teacher, you can do that through the 5C lessons you design and implement.

While you learn, your senses take information into your brain. Your brain, then, has to perceive and organize that information in order for you to comprehend it. During the fourth Learning Channel, GASC, you will explore the ways in which information is processed perceptually (global or concrete), and the ways in which information is processed to organize it (abstract or sequential).  You will learn about your own GASC preferences and the combination of GASC that are found in schools and classrooms.

At the completion of this Module, you will be able to:


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