Sucessful Teaching for Acceptance of Responsibility - Module 6: Mental Models

Pen & PaperLearning Activity 6-A-1

Solution Seeking Worksheet Submission

Assignment - 30 points

Assignment Rubric

Turn in your finished Solution Seeking Worksheet (from 5-C-2) here as 6-A-1. Save the report as a Microsoft Word document and attach it to Assignments in "6-A-1: Solution Seeking Assignment."

Learning Activity 6-A-2

Need for Mental Models

Chat - 15 points

Chat Rubric

  1. As you prepare for your small group chat, review the information in Module 1, Topic 1-C on Mental Models. Also take some time to review Chapter 1 in Teaching Discipline and Self-Respect.
  2. In the chat, discuss the definition of Mental Models to be sure all have a clear understanding of the concept.  In addition to the definition, provide descriptions of students you've encountered with and without strong Mental Models.
  3. Discuss the content in Chapter 1 of Teaching Discipline and Self-Respect that supports the need for Mental Models. What connections can you make?
  4. In your discussion, compare students you have in your current classroom with weak mental models. Describe possible causes for their low mental models. Is there anything you could do as a teacher to help guide them to developing stronger Mental Models?
  5. How do the "Research Quotations on Mental Models" support or contradict your experiences with these students?

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