Learning Activity 6-A-1
Solution Seeking Worksheet Submission
Assignment - 30 points
Turn in your finished Solution Seeking Worksheet (from 5-C-2) here as 6-A-1. Save the report as a Microsoft Word document and attach it to Assignments in "6-A-1: Solution Seeking Assignment."
Learning Activity 6-A-2
Need for Mental Models
Chat - 15 points
- As you prepare for your small group chat, review the information in Module 1, Topic 1-C on Mental Models. Also take some time to review Chapter 1 in Teaching Discipline and Self-Respect.
- In the chat, discuss the definition of Mental Models to be sure all have a clear understanding of the concept. In addition to the definition, provide descriptions of students you've encountered with and without strong Mental Models.
- Discuss the content in Chapter 1 of Teaching Discipline and Self-Respect that supports the need for Mental Models. What connections can you make?
- In your discussion, compare students you have in your current classroom with weak mental models. Describe possible causes for their low mental models. Is there anything you could do as a teacher to help guide them to developing stronger Mental Models?
- How do the "Research Quotations on Mental Models" support or contradict your experiences with these students?