Course Guide
Course Description
Pennsylvania has undertaken a significant effort to improve its schools through the focused development and deployment of elements, strategies, practices, and resources aligned to the Pennsylvania academic standards. The components of this comprehensive approach comprise the state’s Standards Aligned System (SAS).
While there are many intangible components, research supports the notion that effective schools and school systems have six elements that ensure student achievement: Clear Standards, Fair Assessments, Curriculum Framework, Instruction, Materials & Resources, and Interventions. When schools and school systems use these elements in concert with a common vision, they will experience continuous enhancement and improvement within their schools, districts, and communities. This course examines the six components of a Standards Aligned System (SAS) and provides methods for implementing SAS to enhance student learning, engagement, and achievement. It also explores ways to use SAS to help students develop the critical thinking, collaboration, innovation, and creativity skills that will equip them for lifelong learning.
Course Calendar
The course, which consists of eight modules, is eight weeks long. The initial posts for each module are due on Saturday of each week. All other assignments and replies are due Monday.
Because participants from many different time zones may be taking this course, items should be posted/submitted by midnight (U.S. Eastern Time) on the day they are due. Your facilitator will post specific due dates for this course in the Calendar.