Happy People with ComputerModule One: Developing Lifelong Learning

Explore the education gap; how standards aligned instruction helps students achieve; the six common elements that support student achievement; how the Standards Aligned System (SAS) methodology aligns the six common elements to ensure students have the resources to be academically successful; examine the theoretical framework and rationale for the implementation of SAS

Module One Outcomes

Module Two: Clear Standards

Review historical background; review of PA Academic Standards; research-based arguments for standards-based education, synthesizing the common core and PA standards; develop an understanding of why assessments are intentionally aligned to standards

Module Two Outcomes

Module Three: Fair Assessments

Analyze types of assessment and purposes; data-based decision making; using data to inform instruction; develop assessments and align to standards

Module Three Outcomes

Module Four: Curriculum Framework

Module Four Outcomes

Module Five: Uniting Standards and Instruction

Module Five Outcomes

Module Six: Aligning Instructional Materials and Resources

Module Six Outcomes

Module Seven: Timely and Appropriate Interventions

Module Seven Outcomes

Module Eight: Integrating Lifelong Learning

Module Eight Outcomes

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