Responding to Misbehavior
So far in this course you've focused on the Proactive Approach to classroom management. However, no matter how hard you work to stop problems before they start, sooner or later a student will do something that you find unacceptable. What do you do when that happens? You respond by choosing from a variety of strategies. There are many types of misbehaviors and an equally broad range of options for responding appropriately and effectively.
Using the Responsive Approach to classroom management, you'll consider the Three Steps for Responding to Misbehavior and learn how to use a Hierarchy of Responses. You'll also select appropriate strategies and evaluate plans for responding to misbehavior.
At the completion of this Module, you will be able to:
- Discuss current, validated research regarding classroom management theory and best practices.
- Explain the strategies associated with the Hierarchy of Responses for responding to minor, moderate, and major misbehaviors.
- Complete, implement, and evaluate a Plan for Responding to Misbehavior.
- Reflect on the ways personal beliefs affect practice, adjust accordingly, and actively seek out opportunities to grow professionally using the knowledge and skills of this course.
- Work collaboratively to share knowledge, skills, and experiences; refine understanding of content; give and receive feedback; and improve expertise.